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This dielectrically loaded quadrifilar helix antenna offers high performance with tight integration and an integral high gain/low noise amplifier.

Product Summary

  • Ideal for tight integration
  • Very small size
  • Rejects conducted noise from application
  • Balanced design - low interaction with platform
  • Wide cardioid beamwidth (>120° typical)
  • Negligible detuning close to user's hand
  • Internal and external mounting
  • SMT compatible
  • Low voltage/current
  • High gain (24dBic typical)

Product Specifications

Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Frequency 1573.42 1575.42 1577.42 MHz
Vcc 2.0 3.3 3.5 V
Current    2.70V
Gain +22 +24   dBic
Beamwidth   >120   degrees
Noise Figure   1.2 1.3 dB
VSWR   2.0:1 2.3:1 dB
Input Third-Order Intercept Point   0   dBm
Operating Temperature Range -40 +20 +85 °C

Connector Variants

Connector Cable
Direct PCB Placement n/a
SMA (M) n/a
MCX (M) n/a
SMB (F) n/a
SMA (M) 100mm
MCX (M) 100mm
MMCX (M) 100mm
MMCX (M) Right Angle 100mm
SSMT 100mm
Hirose HFL 100mm

Line Drawings & Diagrams

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(PCB Land Pattern)

Further Information
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11 December 2004
News & Events:
30 November 2004
Laipac Selects Sarantel GPS Antenna for New GSM/GPRS S-911 Personal Locator Device
5 October 2004
Sarantel GPS Antenna To Debut In Space On Surrey Satellite Technology's New Miniature Satellite
21 September 2004
Sarantel Antenna in New NemeriX GPS SDIO Card to GPS-Enable Consumer PDAs
24 August 2004
Precisa To Embed Sarantel GPS Antenna in New GSM/GPS Combination Mobile Phone
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